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India One
Solar Thermal Power Project
World Renewal Spiritual Trust (WRST), a registered Charitable Trust / solar research centre and a sister organization of the Brahma Kumaris, is setting up a 1.0 Mw el. solar thermal power plant in order to demonstrate and multiply this alternative technology for India.
Energy is one of the most important requirements for this world to function properly. Its availability and regular supply are of paramount interest.
As we are all aware, energy and fuel prices are rising day by day and the negative effects of global warming are more and more visible.
As we are all aware, energy and fuel prices are rising day by day and the negative effects of global warming are more and more visible.
The thermal solar power plant (solar only) will be the first of its kind in the world in dish technology in direct steam generation mode, with full thermal storage for 16 hrs continuous operations for base load.
About the Project
The main advantages of the 60m2 parabolic dish with fix focus are: - Cost effective / high output
- Relatively simple construction, modular design
- Innovative thermal storage concept
- Easy operation/ maintenance; all components available in India
- Inexpensive planar mirrors and MC-controlled tracking system
- Fixed receiver with no need for flexible high pressure joints
- No vacuum technology and no metal glass sealing
- Due to direct steam generation, no heat exchanger and low parasitic loads
- Efficient use of land; the dishes can be tightly placed
- Power on demand and high efficiency due to cogeneration
It is intended to set up the innovative solar thermal power plant based on the newly developed 60m2 parabolic dish with 16 hrs steel core cavity receiver and storage for continuous operation with the following main technical specifications.
Number of dishes : 770 nos. of 60m2
Electrical output : 1,0 Mw el. (net. 22000 kwh/24hrs)
Thermal output : 150 Mwh th. (24hrs)
Solar field : 25 Acres near to campus (1.3 km)
Total mirror area : 45.000 m2
Turbine : 1,0 Mw el.
3) Timetable
The time frame for completion of this project is four years.
The project will be executed in two phases:
Phase I: Simulation and planning for the power plant
Phase II: Procurement and installation of the 1,0 Mw el. power plant
4) BudgetThe overall budget for the project is around ~10 Million Euros. The WRST request for funding with the Indian Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Sources (MNRE) and the German Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU through GIZ) has been approved.
Interview with GOLO PILZ, Adviser for Brahma Kumaris for INDIA ONE SOLAR POWER THERMAL PLANT, MOUNT ABU.
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