Justification of Title
“The Tiger King” is a very appropriate title for the story for several reasons. First of all, the king is crazy about tiger hunting so much that he marries a princess whose father’s kingdom has a sizeable tiger population. He kills one hundred tigers just to fulfill his vow. Secondly, the king with all his frenzy, anger and ruthlessness is as ferocious as a tiger. Thirdly, he dies of a silver prick received from a wooden toy tiger. Finally, the prediction that a tiger would cause the king’s death also comes true. Since the story revolves round the king and the hundred tigers that he kills, it could not be better titled than “The Tiger King”.



The tiger king is a story of eccentric kings dominating their subjects but living under the moral fear of the Britishers. The author has given a tinge of the supernatural interspersed in the story. Arrogant Tiger King desired to disprove the prophecy of the astrologer, but destiny proved to be powerful and the prediction which was made when the king was ten days old comes out to be true.


v The Maharaja of Pratibandh Puram
·        Maharaja's Name shortened to the 'Tiger King'
·        Author's Intention to inform the readers 'The Tiger King is mortal'
·        Astrologer announces- that the prince to be great warrior and hero of heroes, but will one day have to meet his death.
v Ten days old prince astonishes everybody
·        Challenges astrologer to tell the way of death
·        All those who born will die one day
·        Astrologer tells him that death will come from tiger because he is born in the hour of bull
·        Infant prince utters "let tigers beware"
v Young prince gets knowledge of his Infancy oath
·        Brought up like all princes of India
·        Given milk of English cow- taught by an English tutor- watched English films
·        Crowned at the age of twenty.
·        Word reaches maharaja's ears about the astrologer's prediction
·        Kills first tiger
·        Tells the astrologer about the killing
·        Astrologer advised to avoid killing 100`1 tiger
·        If success in killing 100`" tiger astrologer would change his profession- giving hint it would result in the King's death.
v King's Tiger killing mission
·        Tiger killing banned in state
·        Defaulter's wealth and property will be confiscated.
·        Meets many dangerous situations.
·        Sometimes success fully fights tigers bare handed.
·        Refuses even British officer to kill tiger or to have photograph with dead tiger.
·        In fear of losing his kingdom Maharaja decides to bribe the officer by sending expensive diamond rings expecting his wife would choose one or two.
·        The Greedy officer's wife keeps all rings and sends thanks to the Maharaja. King saved his kingdom at the cost of Rs. 3 lakhs.
v The tiger hunt
·        In ten years of tiger hunting expeditions the king kills 70 tigers
·        Tiger population become extinct in Pratibandh Puram .
·        Advises Dewan to find suitable princess from a state with large tiger population.
·        Maharaja killed 29 tigers more during his visits to in laws.
·        The skins of 99 tigers adorn the walls of palace
v Search for 100th Tiger
·        Tiger farms run dry in his father in law's house
·        Recalls astrologer's warning of should beware of killing 100th Tiger
·        Decides to give up tiger hunting after achieving the target
·        News about the presence of a tiger near a village proves disappointing.
·        In frustration king terminates the service of many officers
·        Dewan is warned of the dangers and risks involved in it
v Dewan’s role in the hundredth kill
·        Arranges an old tiger from people's park.
·        In Madras and kept hidden in his house
·        Drags the old and weak tiger with the help of his wife
·        King reaches the place- shot at-tiger drops down
·        The elated king returns to his capital orders to cart the tiger in grand procession.
v The hundredth tiger not killed
·        Tiger (got baffled) faints from the shock of bullets
·        The lamb like tiger wakes up
·        To hide truth it was killed by an officer.
v The birth day present for three year old prince
·        King now feels relieved.
·        Brings a wooden tiger as birth day present for his son.
·        Plays with prince, sliver of warden rough tiger pierces kings right hand.
v The prophecy comes true
·        The wound develops spreads all over the arm
·        Three surgeons from Madras operated but fail to save king's life
·        Thus the hundredth tiger takes the final revenge -Upon the tiger king.

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