A Thing of Beauty
By John Keats
·         Bower – a pleasant place in the shade under the trees
·         Morrow – the next day; tomorrow
·         Wreathing – flowers or leaves twisted or woven together into a circle worn on the head as a garland
·         Spite – malice; cause pain
·         Despondence – loss of hope; dejection
·         Dearth – scarcity; lack of something
·         Sprouting – to appear; to develop something
·         Boon – blessing
·         Rills – small streams
·         Covert – an area of thick low bushes and trees where animals can hide
·         Brake – a thick mass of ferns
·         Grandeur – splendor
·         Brink – extreme edge

                                 A Thing of Beauty
The romantic poet john Keats’ poem ‘a thing of beauty’ is an excerpt from his poem ‘Endymion: a poetic romance’. The poet is based on a Greek legend, in which Endymion, a beautiful young shepherd and poet who live on mount Latmos, had aversion of Cynthia, the moon goddess. The enchanted youth resolved to seek her out and so love beauty and youth. The poem reflects the poet’s attitude towards beauty. He has made use of the myth to explore his own way to realize the truth that is beauty.

A Thing of Beauty by John Keats

This poem is a revolt against the commonplace reality. According to Keats the object of beauty differs from an ordinary object. The ordinary object appeals us only temporarily. Its effect is short lived and its loveliness decreases with the passage of time. But the object of beauty appeals to our senses permanently. It cannot be destroyed by time and space. It is a temporal and its loveliness does not fade. It is a ray of light and hope that consoles man in his miseries and misfortunes. Then Keats mentions the objects of beauty one by one. The sun, the moon, the old trees, the daffodils, the clear streams and the forest which is rich with beautiful flowers-all these objects of beauty are a source of consolation in a world Keats found that a beauty (beautiful thing) is a source of perennial joy and happiness. It leaves an indelible mark on our mind and provides us with eternal happiness whenever we think about it. Our joy increases as we keep on remembering the beauty. It is just like Endymion looking for Cynthia as his everlasting love.(according to Greek myth)

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